Salesforce Compass
Today’s complex, highly competitive marketplace requires salespeople to have highly effective sales skills to compete and win. Your sales executives need insight into the skill areas that may put your salesforce at risk of not meeting their goals. All too often, sales leaders don’t have the time or resources to implement a complex analysis process. Wilson Learning’s Salesforce Compass provides a snapshot of your salesforce’s gaps and risks, providing the direction on priority development needs.
Salesforce Compass diagnoses your salesforce’s most critical skill needs in terms of the Consultant/Strategist Model’s four roles.
In addition to personal effectiveness or technical effectiveness (product knowledge), salespeople today need to become a trusted consultant to the customer by adding value throughout the sales process. Salespeople also need to apply a strategic perspective on their sales activities to ensure they generate profitable business.
Salesforce Compass quickly and easily measures competencies from the Consultant/Strategist model, providing a high-level overview of the salesforce development needs based on the observations of your sales managers and leaders.
Salesforce Compass is a diagnostic needs analysis instrument designed to help improve your salesforce’s ability to achieve sales goals. It enables sales leaders to identify gaps in order to ensure development investment is focused on the right skill areas. This instrument also provides insight into the effectiveness of various development approaches used in your organization.
Salesforce Compass provides high flexibility, from configuration and customization through data collection, feedback, planning, and beyond. The process of collecting feedback is completely web-based, and the Results Debrief Session shows trends to help you prioritize your development investment in your salesforce.
Wilson Learning can support further development in the form of appropriate sales training programs for group needs.
For a more detailed, comprehensive analysis of salesforce development needs, Wilson Learning offers Salesperson Navigator. This 360-degree feedback capability provides specific, behavior-level feedback at both the individual and group levels.
This offering, like all others from Wilson Learning, can be customized to reflect your sales environment and business priorities and can be integrated with your sales process.