Sales Leader Manager | Sales Leadership Training | Wilson Learning Worldwide

The Sales Leader Manager

Sales Leader Manager
Sales Leader Manager

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Organizations expect salespeople to get results, but successful long-term performance requires a focus on more than just results. Research indicates that high performance is not sustainable over time unless it is accompanied by a high degree of fulfillment—neither performance nor fulfillment exists in a vacuum. To implement strategy and achieve business results, sales managers must create an environment of performance with fulfillment. These skills require integrating the inspiration of leadership with the skill of management.

The Sales Leader Manager: Leading Salespeople to Success (SLM) provides a framework and skills for sales managers to enable their sales teams to succeed—to achieve higher revenue, customer satisfaction, and long-term profitability. To provide the leadership their people need, sales managers learn how to align their efforts and motivate their sales teams by using Five Practices.

SLM is a comprehensive solution that fosters both insight and skill development around what is most important for leaders to do—enable their people to perform at their best.

Program Outcomes

Sales Leader Manager (SLM) provides sales managers with a process for helping their salespeople realize their full sales potential by creating an environment that supports successful business results. SLM helps sales managers understand their own role in executing sales strategy so they can help salespeople align to the organization's strategy.


Wilson Learning approaches each of its solutions with the purpose of ensuring transfer of learning to the job. The Learning Transfer approach seeks to ensure that:

  • The learner is prepared for the core learning event.
  • Activities are embedded in the solution's instructional design and support the transfer of learning to the job.
  • The organization supports the use of the new skills.

The Sales Leader Manager (SLM) incorporates this Learning Transfer approach to drive increased performance.

Participant Readiness: Pre-workshop communication prepares sales managers for the learning experience and their managers for supporting the learning experience. The Sales Leader Manager Inventory (optional) enhances the impact by giving participants feedback from those they lead.

Learning Design: The SLM workshop is a two-day application-oriented session. It is an instructor-led session that can be delivered in modular format over two non-consecutive days to allow application between sessions.

Organizational Alignment: Post-learning communications to sales managers and their managers support both skill application and implementation.

The Sales Leader Manager workshop can be facilitated by Wilson Learning or by a leader-trained in-house professional. This enables:

  • Face-to-face interaction among the participants and with the facilitator
  • True-to-life skills practice
  • The opportunity for real-time commitment to action
Enabling Improved Performance

Sales Leader Manager is enhanced by application activities, post-learning reinforcement, pre- and post-classroom e-mails, and support tools. These tools help ensure that sales leaders can develop skills during the workshop, then fine-tune and apply their newly acquired skills and behaviors back on the job. Involving participants' managers is also important for successful SLM implementation, and manager support tools are provided for that purpose.

To discover how we ensure learning is reinforced and applied for improved performance, see our Learning Transfer Approach.


The learning experience is enhanced by the use of the Sales Leader Manager Inventory, a multi-rater instrument designed to provide managers with feedback about how their sales leadership behavior is perceived by the people who report to them and their manager.


Wilson Learning can partner with your organization to measure the initial post-session behavioral changes and business results. Our common interest is to make sure that Sales Leader Manager delivers the results you seek, and we have a variety of tools to help you evaluate progress and results.

To learn more about measuring the impact of learning, visit Measurement and Evaluation Services.

This offering, like all others from Wilson Learning, can be customized to reflect your sales environment and business priorities.

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 Salesperson Navigator: Effectiveness Insights 360™

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