Michael Leimbach
Written By Michael Leimbach
e-Book: Learn Key Findings from the Annual Leadership Survey with Training Magazine
For the third year, Training magazine and Wilson Learning teamed up to conduct a leadership development survey. More than 700 respondents shared their insights for effective leadership. Discover specific key actions your organization can implement to prepare the next generation of leaders. Download your Illustrated e-book now and review the survey findings! learn more
Article: Learning Transfer Made Easy: 4 Lessons Learned from Experience
If you ask a busy learning professional about learning transfer, you'll likely hear two things: First, it's very important; second, it's very hard. So what is it about the process that makes learning transfer so challenging? learn more
Research: Learning Transfer Model: A Research-Driven Approach to Enhancing Learning Effectiveness
We all know that a seminar alone is not likely to result in significant changes in job performance, and much has been written about different techniques for ensuring that skills transfer into organizational performance improvement. However, while many have promoted specific activities to support the transfer of learning, there has been little research comparing the actual impact of these different techniques. learn more
Article: Leveraging Manager Involvement for Learning Transfer: 3 Tips to Pull Learning Through Your Organization—A Blueprint for Success
Managers play a pivotal role in the transfer of learning and helping to drive performance results. But how can we best leverage busy managers' involvement in maximizing learning transfer? We've honed it down to three practical yet effective tips. learn more
Article: Master Versatility to Drive Sales Results: Applying Social Styles to Gain Access, Increase Close Rates, and Protect Your Customer Base
As a sales leader, you probably debrief sales calls, review sales campaigns, analyze prospecting activity, and ride along on certain customer calls to observe or assist. No doubt you have noticed that each salesperson has some customers and prospects that they easily connect with, and others that they don't. learn more
Blog: Mobile Web vs. Mobile Apps (17 August 2011)
Many of our clients who start utilizing mobile learning are quickly confronted with the issue of whether to implement it as a mobile app or via mobile web. The decision can have broad implications for accessibility, cost, quality, and maintenance of a mobile learning strategy. learn more
Article: Negotiation: The New Customer Standard: 5 Strategies for Sales Negotiations
The traditional “us vs. them” approach to negotiating has passed. Today's sophisticated buyers want sophisticated selling. Your future clients demand collaborative conversations, fair outcomes, and a process that ensures their needs and interests are met. To meet this new standard, your salespeople must possess the confidence and the negotiation skills to succeed. How prepared is your team? learn more
Blog: Quenching Your Customer’s Thirst for Value (6 January 2019)
Selling water to a thirsty person should be easy, right? Not so fast. Salespeople often miss the big opportunity because they fail to expand the conversation beyond making the simple sale. Many times customers need more than a simple answer to an immediate problem—they need a way out of the desert. learn more
Research: Redefining Employee Satisfaction: Business Performance, Employee Fulfillment, and Leadership Practices
Now, more than ever, organizations need to engage employees. Rapid market change, disruptive technologies, and opportunities available to your key talent have forced organizations to reexamine the connections between business performance, leadership, and employee satisfaction. learn more
Blog: Rumors of the death of consultative selling are premature. (12 November 2012)
If you have been following sales training articles and blogs recently, you would think that the role of salesperson as consultant and trusted advisor is dead. These articles suggest that the ideal salesperson acts as if customers are wrong about their "real" problems and challenges customers about their knowledge and assumptions. learn more