Peter Bailey | Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc.

Peter Bailey

Peter Bailey is responsible for the design and development of customized projects and programs for Wilson Learning's clients. Training projects include the design and development of participant and leader guides for sales, customer service, leadership, and personal effectiveness programs. He is currently focusing on designing and facilitating cross-cultural communication strategies for leveraging a global mindset as a key element in organizations achieving their worldwide business objectives. He has traveled and worked in over 30 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Mr Bailey created and developed Wilson Learning's Lighthouse Coaching program, equipping managers with relational tools to deliver concise and compassionate on-the-spot or long-term coaching for attitudinal and behavioral change. He co-designed and developed "Winning with Customers," a four part Web-based series for Hewlett-Packard, and master-trained internal client trainers in four global regions.

Written By Peter Bailey

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